Zoe Woebken
Title: ‘Monday’ by Zoe Woebken
Medium: Gouache on black, Keaykolour Original Parchment 250gsm
Bio: Zoe Woebken is a Melbourne based artist who investigates themes surrounding suburbia and what constitutes The Australian Dream. Through painting, drawing and printmaking Zoe is able to assess in detail, the suburban home and create uniqueness and individuality within the landscape. Emphasising classic suburban motifs from the home, Zoe plays with nostalgia and memory attributed to suburbia to form the basis of her practice.
Artist Statement: ‘Monday’ explores the mundane yet beautiful features of the suburban landscape. Nostalgic memories of a suburban home that seem familiar while also distant invites reflection on past memories that are personal and unique to each individual. This work is inspired by childhood memories, growing up and investigation of suburbia.
Size: 22cm (w) x 22cm (h) x 0.5 cm (d)
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