Corinna Howell – A P Miller Chemist
Corinna Howell – A P Miller Chemist
Size: 21 x 29.6 cm
Corinna Howell is a Japanese-Tasmanian artist working in Hobart, Tasmania. Corinna is a graduate of a Bachelor of Fine Arts with Honours at the School of Creative Arts and Media, University of Tasmania, and primarily works in painting and drawing.
Her recent years’ works centre on her interests in the nature of the fragility of our tangible, real life relationships. In past projects she has explored this through comparing our physical relationships to our virtual ones, wherein she questions our idea of social rules and etiquette we abide by online. In her paintings referencing the online Mukbang and ASMR culture she asks how this may affect our longing for certain facets of a relationship that is lost within the virtual realm.
Artist Statement: The artist’s aim for her time spent at Q Bank Gallery is to begin to explore landscapes more closely, and to become comfortable working in plein air and printmaking – some areas that she has not frequently ventured into. The landscape or place that the people in her paintings are situated in are often ambiguous, and so the residency is a perfect opportunity to place focus on learning to incorporate landscapes as a point of importance. Queenstown and its beautiful, yet controversial history and landscape will no doubt foster a great deal of inspiration.
Medium: copic ink on watercolour paper